About the General Douglas MacArthur Brisbane Memorial Foundation
The Foundation
The General Douglas MacArthur Brisbane Memorial Foundation Ltd, is a registered charitable organisation, which aims to secure the Museum’s future by maintaining a suitable public display on the 8th Floor of the former GHQ Allied Forces SWPA building, now known as MacArthur Chambers. The core feature of the Museum is General MacArthur’s actual wartime office which he occupied from July 1942 to November 1944.

L/R: Mr C. Johnston; Captain (RAN) A. Craig (Rtd); The Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Councillor Graham Quirk; Lt Col J Dwyer AM (Rtd); Brig P Rule, AM, PSM, RFD (Rtd)
The Museum was established with grants from the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments and the Brisbane City Council, together with donations from a number of corporations and individuals. Exhibitions are funded by grants for community purposes and donations.Donations to the Museum are tax deductible under the provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1977 and payable to: ‘The General Douglas MacArthur Brisbane Memorial Foundation’.
The 8th Floor Museum site is permanently owned by the Brisbane City Council and leased under special arrangements to the Foundation for historical and display purposes.
Management Plan
Management is under an approved Conservation Plan for MacArthur Chambers, a site listed on the Australian National Estate register. The Museum is managed by the Foundation, while the day to day operations are the responsibility of an Executive Officer and a small group of volunteers.