School Visits
School Visits
Include your school in a visit
Learn the inspiring story of how a “country town” of 300,000 people rose to its greatest challenge when Brisbane became headquarters for General Douglas MacArthur, Commander of the forces in the South West Pacific Area (SWPA) during World War Two..Our video of ‘Brisbane at War’ will show the students what the city looked like and how the arrival of thousands of troops changed a country town into a garrison city, with two million soldiers and sailors passing through and thousands living throughout Brisbane.

Opportunities For Students
Students may listen to short presentations about the war effort including the impact of the war on Brisbane, how and where the fighting in the Pacific took place and the role of General MacArthur in leading the Allied war effort. Students also see the office where the General and his staff planned the Pacific Campaigns.Our exhibits include topics such as children’s contributions to the war effort, women’s participation in the war both in the home and in the workplace, entertainment during the war, the impact of the war on Brisbane transportation, the role of the three branches of the armed forces, war brides, intelligence work done in Brisbane, the “Battle of Brisbane” and Japan and Korea.The South West Pacific Gallery concentrates on the cooperation between Australian and American armed forces in the SWPA. An example of this cooperation for each of the navy, army and air forces is featured in the gallery.By pre-arrangement, students may also: • learn about Morse Code, experience using a transmitter, and work out an important wartime message; • see how various forms of technology have evolved; • explore some of the entertainment and social activities during World War Two in Brisbane.
Making a Booking
Phone the Museum on public opening days (Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday 10am to 3pm) on 3211 7052. Email the Museum on, leaving name of school, preferred dates and times, number of students and year level, and your contact details. Museum Staff will get back to you as soon as possible.Where possible school visits should occur on normal opening days to enable the Education Officers to offer a variety of presentations and activities. Please indicate which presentations and activities listed on the Education page you would like included in your tour, noting that you should plan to spend a minimum of one hour in the Museum, preferably one and a half hours for a more complete educational visit.
Please Note The Following:
1. No food or drink allowed in the Museum – there is a food hall in the MacArthur Chambers complex adjacent to the Museum. Bags are to be left at reception.2. To prevent damage to the heritage MacArthur planning table; a valuable artefact at the Museum, we advise that no writing is to be done on the planning table. Students should bring clipboards or notebooks if they will be doing written work.3. All mobile phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off for school visits.We look forward to your next visit with us.
Museum Entry for School Bookings
Payment may be made in cash (tallied and collected by the teacher/group leader beforehand), or cheque, payable to MacArthur Museum.Receipts will be issued. Please note that if you require an invoice it must be requested before the day of the visit and paid within 14 days of the visit.
- 1 day pass
- Access to all exhibits
- Free tour guide
- Video, photo & audio material
- 1 day pass
- Access to all exhibits
- Free tour guide
- Video, photo & audio material
- 1 day pass
- Access to all exhibits
- Free tour guide
- Video, photo & audio material