Support Us
Image: AWM Collections 053287 – General MacArthur with Major General Wootten (Brigadier Eastick on left)
Support Us
How you can support the museum
To offer assistance, you can: • add to the rich portfolio of heritage sites in Brisbane • raise awareness of the heritage sector and its valuable contribution to the city's social history • provide a focus on the crisis years from 1942-45 and to share that with students, residents and visitors to Brisbane • highlight the successful Allied coalition of the Australians and Americans who served together in World War Two • provide a place for research and study on the war years
You can assist our award-winning Museum in achieving these aims by becoming a Volunteer Guide. Call the office on a Tuesday or Thursday, between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm to speak to someone about how you can support us. We look forward to meeting you. You can help us expand our collection by donating memorabilia from the Second World War. We are particularly interested in items that help to tell the story of the social history of Brisbane during the period. You may have old clippings from newspapers, photographs and personal letters and we would like to hear from you if you have any of these items.Volunteering
Join the MacArthur Museum Brisbane (MMB) as a volunteer guide and tour visitors through our exhibitions.
Donating Memorabilia
Donations of artefacts, papers and books relating to the campaigns of the South West Pacific Area and life in Brisbane in World War II.
Financial Donations
The Foundation is a not for profit and is funded through the generosity of donors. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.